Archery has long been in practice for thousands of years. In all of that time, people have developed many different styles and variances in order to practice. If you’re just getting started with archery, you may not be aware of all of the different styles available to you. Here, we have compiled a list and breakdown of all of the types of archery styles that you need to know.
Types of Archery
Olympic Archery
First up is Olympic Archery, which is the type of archery most people are familiar with. Archery has been an Olympic event since it’s introduction in 1900. In that time, it has developed its own set of rules. Participating archers can only use recurve bows and equipment is strictly regulated. There are events for men, women, and teams.
In Olympic archery tournaments, targets are placed 70 meters away and each archer shoots 72 arrows. A bullseye is worth 10 points meaning there is a maximum score of 720. Eventually, the top 64 archers progress to the main event. All of the elimination rounds eventually produce two archers. These two go head to head for the gold and silver medals.
During each round, archers take turns shooting three arrows. The archer with the best score gains two points. In a draw, each archer receives one point. The first archer to reach six points wins and moves on in the competition.
Target Archery
Target archery is perhaps the most popular and recognizable form of archery. This format involves shooting a certain number of arrows at a target. Targets are traditional bullseye style targets, set at a predetermined distance. The target generally consists of ten rings with a yellow center being the smallest.
Each ring on the target grows progressively larger. The center of the target earns an archer ten points, while the largest ring earns you one. Target archery can be done indoors or outdoors. Indoor target archery is generally placed 18 meters away while outdoor can be placed up to 70 meters away. It is usually done in rounds, with groups of 3 to 6 arrows shot at a time.
Target archery holds many competitions for all age groups and bow styles. The two most popular types of bows in competition are recurve and compound bows.
Field Archery
Field archery is another extremely popular archery format. Any bow can be used in field archery, although recurve and compound bows are the most common. Much like target archery, you can compete at any age and skill level. The big difference between target archery and field archery is the location. Field archery takes place on courses, similar to a golf course.
While each course is different, each will have a set number of targets. The distance from the target, the terrain, and other variables of the shot will change depending on the course. Targets are usually similar to those found in a target archery competition, however they can vary in design, size, and shape as well.
There are three standard formats found within field archery. These are field, hunter, and animal rounds. Each one has its own set of targets, distances, and rules. The scoring and rules are governed by the NFAA (National Field Archery association).
Field Round
The field round consists of fourteen targets with distances ranging from 20 feet out to 80 yards. These targets consist of a black center (bullseye/5 points), white 4 point ring, and a 3 point black ring. An archer shoots 4 arrows at each target with a high score of 20 points per target.
This is my preferred side since distances easily align with my 5 pin sight. 30 yards, 50 yards, 25 yards, etc are easy to aim for.
Hunter Round
Hunter side is the other half of a field round for a total of 28 targets. Again, it’s 14 targets with 4 arrows per target, but there are a few differences. Targets are completely black with a white bullseye, have more “walk-up” style targets (targets with different distances at one target), and distances are not as easy for pins (such as 33 yards, 28, etc.). In the hunter round, the maximum distance for a target is 70 yards for adults and the closest distance is 33 feet.
Animal Round
The last format in field archery is called the animal round. For many shooters, this is considered the most enjoyable round. Just like in the other two rounds, archers shoot a total of 28 targets. All of the regular target style faces are changed with images to various animals. The number of arrows that are shot are also greatly reduced in this round as well. Archers shoot one arrow per target, but can shoot additional arrow if they happen to miss the target. Full rules can be found on the NFAA Field Archery website.
3D Archery
3D archery gets its name from the three-dimensional animal targets made of foam-like material. Competitions are typically held on courses similar to those of field archery. They can however be held indoors as well. The purpose of 3D archery is to simulate a real hunting experience.
3D archery competitions vary widely in rules and the way they are formatted. Scoring is different because the targets are very different. Instead of a typical bullseye, 3D targets have markings in certain areas on the animal. These correspond to the vitals of a real-life animal and determine scoring.
Just like field archery, 3D archery is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. It is also one of the best ways to practice the next two types of archery, bowhunting and bowfishing.
Bowhunting is very different from any other type of archery, as it involves shooting at live game. Unlike targets that are stationary and designed to be shot, animals are much more challenging. Bowhunting can be done with any type of bow, although compound bows are the most popular.
Whitetail deer are one of the most popular species for bowhunters, although there are many others. Others include elk, mule deer, antelope, wild pigs, and even bear. Small game hunting is very popular as well. Animals such as rabbits, squirrels, and turkeys are often very popular with bowhunters. This type of archery is very challenging because the kill zone is often small, so accuracy is extremely important.
Bowhunting can be very difficult, so many hunters shoot archery styles that improve their accuracy. Every bowhunter must be capable of making several different kinds of shots both accurately and stealthily.
Bowfishing is almost identical to bowhunting, except you are shooting at fish instead of animals on the ground. It’s a simple combination of archery and spearfishing, using specialized equipment to shoot and reel in fish. A fishing reel is attached to your bow (compound or recurve) and you fire specialized arrows that attach to the line in the reel.
As you can see, there are many different types of archery to choose from and practice. Within each type lie many different styles within it. Let’s take a look at some of the different archery styles to choose from.
Archery Styles
Olympic Style Recurve
Olympic archery utilizes the Olympic style recurve bow. The only bow style allowed in this competition is the recurve bow, compound bows are not allowed. They are permitted to use equipment such as stabilizers, sights, clickers and a peep sight. Olympic archers typically only shoot target archery as they practice at targets with specified distances.
Traditional Archery
Traditional archers generally use a longbow or recurve bow. These bows are shot with fingers only and allow a limited number of accessories. This style aligns with the more traditional form of archery. However, a recurve does allow for a few more accessories such as an arrow rest and sights. Although you can attach sights to a recurve bow, many archers aim with their arrow point or instinctively.
Archers who practice traditional archery can shoot every type of archery. This includes everything from field, target, 3D, bowhunting, and Olympic style archery if shooting a recurve.
Compound Archery
Compound archery involves the use of a modern compound bow. These are shot with the use of any release method including fingers and a mechanical release. Compound archers generally use bow sights as well as a rear peep sight for aiming. This style also allows for any number of accessories. Accessories include such things as stabilizers, rests, levels, release aids, vibration dampeners, and more.
Compound archery can be used with any type of archery with the exception of Olympic archery (where only recurves are allowed). They are most popular among hunters, 3D archers, and field archers.
Recreational Archery
Recreational archery is one of the simplest forms of archery available to the public. You can participate with any type of bow but is generally done with a recurve and fingers. Any type of accessories can be used as there are no rules to limit your choices. Recreational archery is usually done just for fun, so you will mostly shoot targets at a predetermined distance (usually 20 yards or less). Many types of archery come with special rules and regulations regarding competitions. This is not the case with recreational archery. This means recreational archery is generally the most basic and laid back for absolute beginners.
Bowhunting can be performed with any type of bow, but compound bows are most common. These compounds usually come with heavy poundage and all the usual compound bow accessories. This includes a release, bow sights, arrow rest, stabilizer, and anything else a hunter needs to make an accurate shot.
Bowhunters generally shoot 3D archery and field archery in order to practice. This keeps them sharp and ready when hunting season comes around.
Bowfishing is very similar to bowhunting. The differences lie in the actual equipment used. Bow fishermen generally use a recurve or compound bow and shoot with fingers. These bows may or may not have sights, allowing for instinctive shooting. They shoot special arrows designed for fishing that are attached to a long fishing line. Because of this specialized equipment, bow fishermen usually won’t shoot any other types of archery. They can however shoot 3D and field archery with other equipment in order to keep their skills sharp.
Crossbow shooting is very different than all other types of archery. The closest thing to crossbow shooting would be compound bow shooting, but they are still very different. The bow itself is mounted horizontally and fires much shorter arrows called “bolts”. Crossbows use different accessories in order to shoot correctly, such as a cocking tool, a scope, and an internal trigger similar to a firearm. They are generally only used for hunting, as crossbows are not allowed at most archery ranges.
Choosing Your Type of Archery Style
So which type of archery is best for you? As you can see, there are many different types and styles to choose from. If you are just starting out, the best thing you can do is experiment. Try as many different styles and types of archery as you can in order to see what you like best. Not only should you try out different types and styles of archery, but you must also experiment and figure out what kind of bow you want to use.
You do not have to pick just one style either. Many archers mix and match different styles and equipment in order to find what works best for them. If you are confused about where to start, try selecting the style that you are most interested in and give it a go! Personally, my favorite is field archery with a compound bow. The reason is that I enjoy walking an archery course and aiming at a bullseye with sights. Experiment with different bows and archery styles, mix and match until you find what suits you best.
Since archery has been around for so long, there are many different types and styles to choose from. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of what’s available to you. Now that you have a better understanding, get out there and give it a shot!